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InaAuthenticate Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I contact Inabyte Inc.?
What’s in the evaluation version?
What does the control do?
Why does the setup install two files in the system directory (InaAuth.dll and InaAuth.exe)?
How do I create the control in an application?
How do I validate a user?
Can I validate if a user is in a group?
Can I get a list of all the groups a user belongs to?
What kind of licensing agreement do I need to distribute the control?
What kind of licensing agreement do I need to run the control on a web server?

What’s in the evaluation version?

The evaluation version is a full version of the product that expires 30 days after installation. 

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What does the control do? 

The control can verify a user and the groups he belongs to within a domain.

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Why does the setup install two files in the system directory (InaAuth.dll and InaAuth.exe)?

If you are deploying InaAuthenticate as an application (a VB application for example) InaAuth.dll is required (it is a self registering dll).

If you are deploying InaAuthenticate under Microsoft Internet Information Server (for use in an Active Server Page for example) InaAuth.exe and InaAuth.dll are required. Both these files are self registering. Please note that under Microsoft Internet Information Server InaAuthenticate runs as a service.

The interface is the same regardless of the platform it is running on.

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How do I create the control in an application? 

In Visual Basic: 

To add the control to your project, select Project | References... Select InaAuthenticate from the list. 

Dim obAuth As InaAuthenticate

Set obAuth = CreateObject("Inabyte.InaAuthenticate")

If obAuth Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "Evaluation Period Expired"
End If

In Visual C++: 

To add the InaAuthenticate control to your project use the #import directive in stdafx.h.

#import "InaAuth.dll" no_namespace

Then use

IInaAuthenticatePtr pAuth;

hResult = pAuth.CreateInstance("Inabyte.InaAuthenticate");

if (hResult != S_OK)
    AfxMessageBox(hResult == E_ACCESSDENIED ? "Evaluation Expired" : "Control not registered");

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How do I validate a user? 

Validating a user within a domain can be done in one simple call to the control:

Visual Basic 

If Not obAuth.Check(txDomain, txUser, txPassword) Then
    MsgBox "Invalid user!" 
End If

Visual C++ 

bool bValid = pAuth->Check((LPCTSTR)csDomain, (LPCTSTR)csUser, (LPCTSTR)csPassword) != VARIANT_FALSE;

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Can I validate if a user is in a group? 

Yes. Use the InGroup method of the control:

Visual Basic 

If Not obAuth.InGroup(txDomain, txUser, txGroup) Then
    MsgBox "User not in group!" 
End If

Visual C++ 

bool bValid = pAuth->InGroup((LPCTSTR)csDomain, (LPCTSTR)csUser, (LPCTSTR)csGroup) != VARIANT_FALSE;

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Can I get a list of all the groups a user belongs to? 

Yes. Use the Groups method of the control:

Visual Basic 

Dim Group As Variant 

For Each Group In obAuth.Groups(txDomain, txUser)
    listboxGroups.AddItem Group
Next Group

Visual C++ 

_variant_t vGroup;
long lIndex;
long lUpperBound;
variant_t vValue = IInaUserGroupsPtr(pAuth)->Groups((LPCTSTR)csDomain, (LPCTSTR)csUser);

if (vValue.vt == (VT_ARRAY | VT_VARIANT) && SUCCEEDED(SafeArrayGetLBound(vValue.parray, 1, &lIndex)) && SUCCEEDED(SafeArrayGetUBound(vValue.parray, 1, &lUpperBound)))
    for ( ; lIndex <= lUpperBound && SUCCEEDED(SafeArrayGetElement(vValue.parray, &lIndex, &vGroup)); ++lIndex)

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What kind of licensing agreement do I need to distribute the control? 

You are required to purchase a license in order to distribute applications that contain one or more InaAuthenticate controls. Without this license, the control is considered under evaluation. 

If you are writing web applications then additional server licenses would also be required. See below.

What kind of licensing agreement do I need to run the control on a web server? 

You are required to purchase a license in order to run InaAuthenticate on a web server. Without this license, the control is considered under evaluation. One license per server is required.

A developer license is a license that everyone pays regardless of subsequent deployment. A 3 man team means 3 licenses. If the product is subsequently deployed on a Server Node/PC for Client Server or on a Web Server Node/PC you need to buy a license per node. A 10 node web site with the component on 6 of the nodes requires 6 licenses to be purchased.

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How do I contact Inabyte Inc.?

By Phone   415-898-7905
By Fax   415-898-1652
By Email   support@inabyte.com
By Internet   http://www.inabyte.com/support.html
By US Mail   Inabyte Inc.
   PO Box 728
   Novato CA 94948-0728

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Samples Provided

See what InaAuthenticate can do for you. Download  InaAuthenticate and its samples (MFC, VB, J++ and ASP) and see it’s capabilities

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Copyright © 1996 - 2005 by Inabyte Inc., Novato, California, USA
Last modified: Saturday, February 24, 2001 11:56

Inabyte Inc.
5 Betty Lane
Novato CA 94947
Phone: +1 415 898 7905
Fax: +1 415 898 1652